A New HOPE (2022): “ARTificial Intelligence – How IP Law Handles Machine Creations” (Download)


A New HOPE (2022): “ARTificial Intelligence – How IP Law Handles Machine Creations” (Download)

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Sunday, July 24, 2022: 10:00 am (DAC 416ABC): The development of sophisticated machine learning models in recent years has been pushing into realms of human creativity, and that has implications for patent and copyright law. Can a machine be an “inventor?” Does the machine’s output qualify for copyright protection? The development of the DALL-E and DALL-E 2 systems directly call the very concept of “creativity” into question, while the former is being actively litigated in courts around the world.

Ed Ryan


A New HOPE (2022): "ARTificial Intelligence - How IP Law Handles Machine Creations" (Download)
